
Interview by Jimon<\/p>\n

1-Where do you currently live and create?\u00a0 <\/strong>Most of the time I\u2019m in Kyiv, Ukraine. But sometimes I leave this city to create something abroad.<\/p>\n

2-When did you start painting and how did it start?\u00a0<\/strong> When I was Seven years old, my mother gave me my first verbal tutorial on \u201chow to draw ducks in gouache\u201d. Since then, this has been the most accessible way for me to express myself and to make living of it.<\/p>\n

3-Your artist name is n0rmski, why?\u00a0 <\/strong>It happened that I grew up very far in the north of Siberia. And so in my school days, when I needed to enter a nickname in a computer game, I used the name Norman because I found out that it means \"man of the north.\" Subsequently, this name was already everywhere in my everyday life, and even some people began to call me variations of this name. And when the time came to sign somehow my first works, the name of Normski was already entrenched to me.