1-Where do you currently reside and work?\u00a0 <\/b>I live and work in Palma de Mallorca, Spain.<\/p>\n
2-Did you study art or is it inherent?\u00a0 <\/b>I didn't go to Art school and studied drama at university. However, my older sister had formal art training and so I was exposed to her work at a young age, which I think had a strong impact on what I do currently. I saw her practice her techniques.\u00a0 My dad also painted in the 60's and managed to sell a heap of paintings to a restaurant in California, raising the deposit for his first home, so maybe it\u2019s in the blood.<\/p>\n
3-You have many drawings with a basic pen and paper, the simplicity is inspiring. What is the reason behind the simplicity?<\/b><\/p>\n
The drawings are automatic with no planning, the themes come in waves and I tend to stay with them for a period of time before change happens. The practice is closer to my study and experience of dramatic improvisation. Its the only way I can approach this medium as I am not formally trained and the use of basic pen and paper brings me pleasure and enables me to conjure an expression or humor in how I may be feeling in the moment.<\/p>\n