Where do you call home and Tell me what you like the most about it? I live in Chicago. I was raised here. I know it like the back of my hand. Huge Artistic community here and it’s easily one of the best city in the world. But I want to move around a lot.
What is your earliest childhood memory that tells you could be an artist? 2nd grade. I must have been 6 or 7 years Old. We were working/playing with clay and my best friend Jaime Westhead made a rocket ship. It was awesome, tight, gorgeous had USA written down the side of it. I made 3 squares and 3 balls and put the balls on top of the squares like a really shit version of an abstract sculpture maybe like Stonehenge. For some reason I felt really jealous of Jamie Westhead’s Rocket ship but I also really liked mine too. I still think about that. Obviously.
Nicholas Conlon, one word to describe him? Artist.
Whose art did you follow growing up? I think it was graffiti artists and break dancing stuff, street art. I don’t know if I followed a painter but I always loved to look at paintings and never studied or remembered any of them. I didn’t understand that part of it all.
You work in multiple platforms which is your favorite? I love to paint. The concept all the way to the finished product done by you, yourself is an insanely desirable feeling. I also have to mention I love making cool T-shirts. I have my own line in Nicknickers, Pink guns, Martial Feels and more coming. But making clothes which is just like a walking painting. A living painting. It’s a great feeling to see someone walking around in one of your T-shirts or seeing someone with it on in social media.
Do you have a place/person/thing that you visit for inspiration? YES!!! It matters though… Sometimes it’s Wimbledon coverage, Cubs or Pearl Jam live jamming or ganja sometimes, a splif? I sometimes have “The Secret” playing in the background or “Basquiat” or “Radiant Child” full blast on the TV. I love going to Museums or art galleries and they have to inspire my subconscious somehow. A mix of all those things and I am doing something really cool.
Name three things you can’t live without in your studio? My Mac. My music. Water.
If you could have dinner with 3 artists living/dead who would be at your table? Michelangelo. Jesus Christ. Yes, Jesus Christ. He was an incredible artist. Think about it…
What forth-coming projects and or exhibitions do you have scheduled? The piece "Travel Like A King" is being voted on and is showing atGallery Guichard436 E. 47th St.Chicago IL. 60653September 21-October 31st...Then on to Miami in December.
Anything else you'd like to mention that I didn't ask? I am incredibly grateful for your interest in me.