Victor Ekpuk

Interview by Jimon

1-Where do you currently live and create?  I am currently living and creating in Washington DC, United States

2-What is your earliest childhood memory of making art?  I have been an artist since my earliest memory, I demonstrated an aptitude for realistic renderings of objects around me at age of three or four years old, before I could read or write. I drew on any available surface, using any accessible tool, even a broomstick in the sand on grounds around my home, the yard was not covered with concrete.

3-What did your path to becoming an artist look like?  By second grade, I was making spot-on portraits of family members. I grew up with these abilities to represent objects around me. Recognizing my talent, my mother encouraged me. She sent me to be tutored by a professional artist, a graphic artist who lived in my neighborhood to polish my skills, in readiness for a division wide art contest when I was eight years old. I won the competition – my very first.

That win gave me the confidence in my abilities, in primary school, I was known as an artist, so it wasn't strange to that I would want to pursue it in college.

After graduating from art school, my first job as a professional artist was a day job as an illustrator and cartoonist at a Nigerian national newspaper, The Daily Times. I also freelanced for advertising agencies and kept a studio in my apartment where I made art that were showing in galleries and international exhibitions.

4-How would you describe Victor Ekpuk?  Simple, easygoing, lives in his head most of the times.

5-Is there any reality behind what we see in your paintings?  What we call reality in the physical realm is only the imagination that we have tapped from our non physical realm and have manifested to experience with our physical senses of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell.  The artist operates in a much higher realm which is beyond physical senses. He/she merely lend themselves as channels to make tangible a reality which isn’t tangible.

If reality is the quality or state of being that is actual or true then I would say when I tap into the realm of my imagination, the forms I manifest on this physical realm are real.

6-What emotion do you expect to be on people’s faces when they look at your art?  I do not set out to create art with expectation to make people feel a certain way. I’m more concerned about what I feel and what motivates my creation. If the viewers can tap into the spirit of the piece, that’s awesome.

7-Do you have motto on how to live life?  Live and let live, be kind and keep an open heart.

8- What influences you as an artist?  Human condition, lines, space and color in nature.

9-Do you have a place/person/thing that you visit for inspiration?  A place to be alone and delve into myself.

10-When you are not painting where would someone find you?  Out somewhere spacious.

11-If a movie was to be made about your life, where would it ideally take place and who would be the actor playing your part?  It has to take place in Nigeria where I was born and begun my career as an artist and Washington DC where I currently practice. The actor playing my part should be Taye Diggs, I think we have similar smile.

12-The future is Bright

13-What advice would you give putative collectors?  Collect art you love, not necessarily what critics tell you to love.

14-How do you describe success as an artist?  When majority of people have access to my work.

15-Name three things you can’t live without in your studio?  30 minutes nap, Light and water

16-How would someone find you on Social media?  Instagram: @victorekpuk

17-Please name the first thing that comes to your mind while reading the following:

Art= Air

Food= Afang soup

Sports= Mohamed Ali

Politics=  Mandela

Poor= State of inconvenience

God= Love

Rich= Prefer wealth

Luxury= Nice

Sex= Necessary

Picasso= African artist

Religion=  Opium

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