Tony Butler

Interview by Jimon

1-Where do you currently reside and work?  I live in Kansas City, KS and work from in my home-studio.

2-How would you describe Tony Butler? A man who is constantly trying to find a solution, exploring this thru the means of self expression or a less informal description would be a stubborn hardhead who thinks he knows everything, but clearly does not!

3-Did you attend an art school or is it inherent? When I was in college, my minor was art history, but other than that, I have no formal training or school in regards to art.      I was a very imaginative as a child and would draw and create characters.  I become fairly accomplished at draftsmanship, but did not do any painting until much later in life.

4-How long have you been making art and what lead you to start? I can say I started taking my art seriously ten years ago.  That is when I decided I was going to do this fulltime.  I guess it was part passion and part determination, but nevertheless I decided at that time, an artist is what I wanted to be.

5-How did you acquire your style? Funny you should ask.  I don't believe in having a style, although my work could be identified as a style, as it is unique to me.  I would rather choose to see myself as always exploring and developing as an artist.  I truly believe that any good student or artist in this case is always learning an growing, which for me is paramount to who I am.

6-Have you ever come across a piece of art that you could not or did not want to stop looking at? Yes most definitely!  There are several artists whose work I could never get tired of looking at.

7-Tell us something about the art world that you want to see changed? This is a tough question.  I have not put much thought into this, because as you know most artists are self absorbed in their work.  If there is anything I see that needs changing it would be more exposure for artists within their communities, that would draw more public support, at least where I reside I don't feel that there is much news coverage of gallery showings, art fairs and other events.

8-Why make art? Does art make us is my question.  Art is very important to all societies, generations and most importantly to cultures.  Art helps us identify something within us as well as gives us an identity.  There is the reasonability of the work itself to create a certain emotional response in the viewer.  If this happens, then the    artist has created something of personal value for the observer. So I go back to my question of does art make us. If it can give you any sense of pleasure, or fulfillment emotionally, then yes.  Humans are crazily creative in everything we do.  Our ability to imagine something on a blank canvas or in the strumming of a guitar makes us unique as a species, but the effect a painting, a novel or song has on our emotions is even more unique.

9-The future is _________? Whatever I want it to be.  I create my world.

10-What advice would you give putative collectors? I would hope that when someone buys one of my paintings, it is for the personal value.  That is, the collector has made a connection with the work that creates emotional content and dialog within the person.

11-What’s the best advice you’ve ever received in regards to your art? Don't stop painting.

12-How do you define success? Many ways I guess.  I would say the most important form of success for me would be when I have created something from my imagination and put it on canvas, the way I have imagined it...this is success!

13-Do you have a place/person/thing that you visit for inspiration? I am always observing everything around me.  I am always learning from other artists.  I am always imagining in my mind how to be an artist.

14-If you could have dinner with 3 artists living/dead who would be at your table? Jim Morrison of the rock band the Doors and who was a lyrically artist in his own right, Edgar Allen Poe who was one of the most creative writers of his generation, and finally Pablo Picasso who had the greatest influence of any artist of the twentieth  century.  The tableside chat would be extraordinary!

15-Name three things you can’t live without in your studio? Coffee! Coffee! and at the end of the evening, a good stout!

16-How would someone find you on Social Media or the Web? Instagram; Postmoderntonyb or

17-Is there anything you would like to add? If you have a passion, go after it!  Devote your energy, time, and patience to it and it will take you places!

18-Please name the first thing that comes to your mind while reading the following:

Art= curiosity

Food= chocolate chip cookies

Sports= Football

Politics= Nonsensical

Poor= A person who doesn't see their potential

God= Everywhere

Rich= A person who taps into their potential and goes for it.

Luxury= Life

Sex=Picasso= great conversational piece

Religion= personal


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