Where do you currently reside and work? I live and work in Rodenbach, it's near Frankfurt in Germany.
One word to describe Susanne Kirsch? Unique.
Did you have any training as an artist? I obtained the basic knowledge by a painter named Elizabeth Wojciak. Currently I'm studying a course "color painting" at the art academy in Kolbermoor. My professor is Jerry Zeniuk, he is a well known American painter.
How long have you been making art and what lead you to start? I have been painting since I was about 20 years old. When my second child was born I needed to get my head free, so I bought a canvas and some colors and started to paint... and never stopped.
What/who has the most influence on your work? I guess time and mood have the most influence on my work.
How do you define success? If I can paint the things I got in my head and if the artwork seems harmonious and as one unit to me, that's my personal success.
What do you usually start with? I assemble the canvas frame with wooden strips and stretch these with cotton. I prime the canvas and then I paint the first layer, the second.... I love to work with several layers. It breathes life into the artworks.
Are the colors in your art indicative of your state of mind? Subconsciously yes. I always use few colors in my work. But constantly including black, grey and white.
What advice would you give putative collectors? You should not get blinded by a name. Unknown artists have their qualities. So take a closer look and let yourself be inspired by the artwork.
Have you ever seen a piece of art that you couldn't take your eyes off of? Oh yes. There are several. In particular I'm fascinated by Helen Frankenthaler, Jackson Pollock and Gerhard Richter.
What is the best advice you've gotten about your art or being an artist? My professor said once: you have to get out of your forms, try to lose control. It really was helpful for me.
Do you have a place/person/thing that you visit for inspiration? My little niece is an inspiration for me. She is painting with such lightness, which has to be learned again as an adult. I also enjoy visiting art exhibitions and art fairs for inspiration.
If you could have dinner with 3 artists living/dead who would be at your table? I love to sit at a table with Picasso, Helen Frankenthaler and Frida Kahlo. People who would have much to tell for sure.
Name 3 things you can't live without in your studio? I can't live without light, I need music and good materials.
you can purchase Gabriele’s work in the BUY section.