Interview by Jimon
1-One word to describe Shai? If you can give up on that question, I'd be glad. I just can’t come up with anything.
2-Where do you currently live and create? In Cologne, Germany, in a one-year residency program with my wife, artist Naama Roth, and our child, Elish.
3-When did you first realize you wanted to become an artist? When I realized I couldn’t do anything else.
4-Did you have any formal education or training? Yes, I graduated from the art department of the Bezalel Academy in Jerusalem, Israel.
5-Who are some of the artists or movements that have influenced your style? Too many to name. I fall in love too easily and too fast.
6-Are there non-artistic influences that play a role in your creative process, such as literature, music, or nature? Yes.
7-What role does your personal background or culture play in your work? I don't think my work would exist without both. Sometimes I wish there was less of it, it would be free of my world, so to speak, but I am at an age where I am coming to terms with limitations.
8-Can you walk us through your creative process, from initial concept to finished piece? There is no initial concept. There are definitely thoughts, but they are usually about a certain color or shape, at least in the beginning. After that, things usually come together on their own.
9-Do you follow a daily routine or ritual when creating art? I usually start a work day by sitting and staring for a long while. It can be something I am currently working on or just a blank surface. I will probably attend to it for a while and then move on to other paintings I am working on at the time.
10-Is every piece you create pre planned or spontaneous? Nothing is pre planned except the plan to work. But nothing is really spontaneous either- sorry for the cliche but my subconscious works overtime.
11-Is there a message or emotion you’re trying to convey with your art? I really hope not.
12-What is the most challenging part of being an artist? The absurdity of it.
13-What do you find most rewarding about being an artist? I get to paint and call it work. What could be better than that!
14-How do you balance the commercial aspects of art with your creative vision? If you can give up on that question, I'd be glad. I just can’t come up with anything.
15-How do you measure success as an artist? When I am jealous of them.
16-What are some mistakes or lessons you’ve learned along the way? I have learned to pay more attention to my own instincts and to believe in myself.
17-How do you stay motivated over long periods, especially when not actively exhibiting or selling work? Motivation has never been a problem.
18-Do you create with an audience in mind, or is your work more personal? I see no contradiction. My work is very personal, but there's always an audience in mind. It could be a particular painter, or a friend, or an enemy, or even my mother.
19-How do you feel about the role of galleries and social media in showcasing art today? I don’t feel much.
20-How do you manage the business side of being an artist (marketing, sales, etc.)? I have no problem sharing my work, but I have never enjoyed the practical business side. I would have liked to, but I don't.
21-What role do you think art plays in society? I truly believe that art profoundly changes people's lives and their perception of everything. It may be subtle, and it may take more than a single look, but this stuff is powerful.
22-If you weren’t an artist, what do you think you would be doing? I dread the thought. I would probably be a clerk somewhere, slowly losing my mind.
23-The future is --------------unpredictable .
24-You have unlimited money to buy one piece of art what would it be? Would probably buy NFT. We have no available space in the house for more artworks.
25-How would you like to be seen as an artist years from now? A good artist would be enough.
26-Do you have a place/person/thing that you visit for inspiration? The most constant pillar of fire in my studio would be music. It mostly ignites me to be a follower.
27-Name three things you can’t live without in your studio? Music, coffee, paint.
28-How would someone find you on social media? Instagram @shai_yehezkelli