Monica Bulcao

Interview by Jimon

1-Where do you call home currently?  I live in Portugal, in the Azores Islands.

2-How would you describe Monica Bulcao?  I am a mother; a companion; a philosopher; a social worker; an artist; a work in progress.

3-Did you study art or is it all inherent?  I never studied art. My initial degree is in philosophy, which, for me, becomes a way of artistic expression, since words "dance" with each other, in order to seek various interpretations of reality.

4-What do you dream about?  Being able to look at the world with an ever-renewed perspective.

5-How did you acquire your style?  I feel a special "attraction" to the Victorian period, which has some influence on my interests and, above all, on my aesthetic reading of the world.

6-How would you describe your work, painting, collage or ……. ?  An aesthetic experience that seeks to reinterpret different versions of reality.

7-What else interests you besides art?  I like to read, watch series and movies, go to the beach and be with my family.

9-Who is your favorite artist?  I don't have a favorite artist, mainly because I have a hard time finding "absolute/immutable" in all areas of my life.

10-What advice would you give putative collectors?  The most important thing in a piece of art is the way it makes us feel... look for what moves you.

11-What do you think about the idea that a work of art is never really finished, just abandoned.  A work always has an open door for one day to be revisited, either by the artist or by those who appreciate and reinterpret it. A work of art, after being delivered to the world, is abandoned by the one who created it and is always being restarted by those who see it.

12-What has the most influence on your work?  Mostly the images that serve as a starting point for a new work.

13-Do you listen to music while creating? If yes, what genre?  Sometimes I listen to music. I don't have a favorite musical genre, but I often revisit jazz, bossa nova and gothic rock.

14-How would you like to be seen as an artist years from now?  A collagist who didn't mind taking a chance. A woman who did not surrender to routine and left a little of her soul in each of her collages.

15-Do you have a place/person/thing that you visit for inspiration?  I don´t think I have a place or person, but I visit, many times, Nick Cave´s aesthetic.

16-If you could have dinner with three artists living/dead who would be at your table?  I would love to sit with Nick Cave, Friedrich Nietzsche, Amadeo Modigliani.

17-Name three things you can’t live without in your studio?  Laptop, quiet, my dog.

18-If you were asking the questions what question would you ask and please answer the question.  What is the biggest difficulty you feel as an artist? My biggest difficulty is feeling like an artist.

19-How would someone find you on Social media?  Instagram @partially_whole_

20-Please name the first thing that comes to your mind while reading the following:
Art= freedom
Food= pleasure
Sports= laziness
Politics= hollow
Poor= opportunity
Rich= opportunity

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