Interview by Jimon
1-Where do you call home currently? London, England for the last 15 years.
2-How would you describe Michael Slusakowicz? Someone full of contradictions, unconventionally conventional and very private.
3-Did you attend an art school or is it inherent? Yes, I studied Painting at Camberwell College of Arts in London.
4-How long have you been making art and what lead you to start? I’ve always been creative from the very young age and I’ve always wanted to be an artist. I’ve never imagined doing anything else.
5-Do you have a routine when you arrive at your studio or each day is different? For me it’s all about repetition. Every day in the studio is the same. Works with me quite well.
6-What is the origin of your paintings, imagination, reality or? The paintings come to me as fully embodied images in my head. Same with ideas, they just come to me. I don’t have to do any research. They just come to me on their own. Usually, when I am doing nothing.
7-Do you work on one painting at a time or multiple works at the same time? I usually work on a whole series of paintings.
8-How do you define success? I see success as an acknowledgment and recognition of artist’s unique abilities.
9-What advice would you give putative collectors? No advice to putative collectors!
10-How would you like to be seen as an artist years from now? As someone who achieved success and recognition for his unique abilities!?
11-Best advice you ever received in regards to your career as an artist? To not judge myself while I paint and to allow myself to make mistakes. Making mistakes is the best way of learning.
12-The future is __? Now
13-If you could have dinner with 3 artists living/dead who would be at your table? Arnold Böcklin, Diego Velázquez and Henri Matisse. Who’s going to cook? They are all dead.
14-How would someone find you on Social media? Instagram@michaelslusakowicz
15-Please name the first thing that comes to your mind while reading the following: Art= meaning
Food= cooking
Sports= sweat
Politics= disappointment
God= sky
Sex= intimacy
Picasso= sexism
Religion= problems