Interview by Jimon
1-Where did you grow up, and where do you live currently? I grew up in Oak Park Illinois, and I’ve circled back around and live here now with my wife and kids.
2-How would you describe Michael Hedges?That’s a tough one, I don’t think about myself much, but I’d describe myself as creative person , a painter , a husband , and most importantly a father.
3-Did you have any official training for art? When I was in high school I started taking classes at the Art Institute and from there moved on to Loras college in Dubuque Iowa and studied painting under Tom Jewell Vitale and when I graduated I headed to Chicago.
4-How long have you been making art and what lead you to start? I’ve been making art as long as I can remember. Drawing as a kid with my mother, stuff like that . But it wasn’t until my early twenties when I really focused on painting and took it seriously. Then I’d rent out spaces and put on my own shows and try and get my work out there. I had my first gallery show at the Mars gallery in the Fulton market area it was really cool . Then around 8 years ago I signed with the McCormick gallery also here in Chicago and have been there ever since. I also show at the David Richard gallery in Santa Fe New Mexico.
5-What does Michael Hedges dream about?I dream about my kids, and what they will become., and I’m always dreaming about what I’m going to make next, that’s always on my mind.
6-What advice would you give putative collectors? If you like it, if it moves you, buy it.
7-Tell us something about the art world that you want to see changed?I’m no expert on the art world, so that’s something I can’t really get my head around. I just paint. I would like to say, it would be cool if art schools taught upcoming artists the business side and more on how to try and get into the art world to be able to make a living at it.
8-How did you acquire your style? I suppose my style really just came from painting and painting and painting. Working at it all the time. And I’d hope my style changes as I grow and have grown as a painter.
9-What influences you as an artist? My greatest influences as an artist are the painters from the 1950s and 60s. The abstract expressionists. They could paint. Also Richard Deibenkorn is another big one.
10-What kinds of art hang on the walls of your home? Art in my home is paintings by my wife’s father, he’s a good painter he hasn’t done it in years but I have his old works up. Also vintage concert posters. My kids like to paint so their art gets in the rotation. And when I feel I have a painting of mine done but want to sit on it a bit. I’ve got a big wall in my living room to hang it on to mull it over.
11-How do you describe success as an artist? If your able to create something that can make another happy, mad, question, or even sad. It’s a success. Or if your able to create something that someone will cut you a check for!
12-Do you have a place/person/thing that you visit for inspiration? I look for inspiration all the time. But I’d say when I’m in my studio that’s when it kicks in the most, and I just get going and see where it takes me.
13-Name three things you can’t live without in your studio? Can’t live without paint, canvas, music.
14-If you could have dinner with 3 artists living/dead who would be at your table? Mary Abbott, Richard Diebenkorn, Paul Newman.
15-How would someone find you on Social Media? Instagram @michaelhedgesart , Facebook @michaelhedgespaintings website Also the McCormick gallery website and the David Richard gallery website.