Mark Tennant

Interview by Jimon

1-One word to describe Mark Tennant?  DRIVEN

2-Where do you currently live and create? I traverse between two studios in 2 STUDIOS - Ocean City, Maryland and another one in on West 42nd St. in New York.

3-When did you first realize you wanted to become an artist? As a young child.

4-Did you have any formal education or training? Yes, I attended and Art School and acquired BFA/MFA.

5-Who are some of the artists or movements that have influenced your style? I love all painting from 16th century through Pop Art.

6-What role does your personal background or culture play in your work? Can’t escape one’s background.

7-Can you walk us through your creative process, from initial concept to finished piece? Decisions from size lighting and design, paint quality and color.

8-Do you follow a daily routine or ritual when creating art? Yes, I paint everyday.

9-What is the most challenging part of being an artist? In search of the quest

10-What do you find most rewarding about being an artist? If something works

11-How do you balance the commercial aspects of art with your creative vision? I paint what I want/ If it sells great.

12-How do you measure success as an artist? A positive personal assessment.

13-What are some mistakes or lessons you’ve learned along the way? Put your head down and focus.

14-How do you stay motivated over long periods, especially when not actively exhibiting or selling work? I love to paint.

15-Do you create with an audience in mind, or is your work more personal? Personal but always hope for agreement.

16-How do you feel about the role of galleries and social media in showcasing art today? All very important.

17-What role do you think art plays in society? Art is at the core of society.

18-If you weren’t an artist, what do you think you would be doing? Unsure

19-The future is ___wide open______.

20-You have unlimited money to buy one piece of art what would it be? VELAZQUEZ

21-How would you like to be seen as an artist years from now? As an artist that reflects his time/era.

22-Do you have a place/person/thing that you visit for inspiration? Museum visits.

23-Name three things you can’t live without in your studio? Clean brushes/Organized palette/Mirror.

24-How would someone find you on social media? marktennantart

25-Please name the first thing that comes to your mind while reading the following:

Art= Museum

Food= Fuel

Sports= Competition

Politics= Negotiation

Poor= --------

God= Perfection

Rich= Overrated

Luxury= Extravagance

Sex= Love

Picasso= Les Demoiselles d’ Avignon

Religion= Spirituality

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