Hyangmok Baik

Interview by Jimon
1. One word to describe yourself? Clown

2. Where do you currently live and create? Seoul, South Korea

3. What is your state of mind when creating? With a heart that only love remains in this world 

4. When does a work of art become important in your opinion? Do you need external confirmation, or is it something explicitly personal? Works of art are extremely subjective, and I think the most important thing is what emotions they feel when they see the work.

5. Did you ever doubt that you were an artist? Yes, just once, when I came across a painting by Michelangelo in the Vatican.

6. Pablo Picasso once said “the chief enemy of creativity is good taste.” Would you agree with that? I don't entirely agree with him, but if he is PICASSO, it's a bit different.

7. Why do you make art? For me and the people I love to be happy.

8. Is your identity as an artist separate from your identity as a person? I think it’s the same.

9. Your first experience with art as a child? The portrait of Frida Kahlo on my mother's apron

10. What book/film/work of art most recently captured your attention and why? I recently re-watched Thelma and Louise, and the after low didn't go away for a week. “something has crossed over in me and I can't go back.”

11. The future is _________. just tomorrow

12. What influences you as an artist? The sea seen at different times in the same place as the people around me

13. You have unlimited money to buy one piece of art what would it be? A portrait of Frida Kahlo, whom my mother loved

14. How do you pick the colors in your paintings? When I am at my studio depending on the mood

15. Did you have any training for art or is it inherent? Instead of writing a diary in my childhood, I drew it as pictures. If this is training, I think it is the cornerstone for me.

16. How would you like to be seen as an artist years from now? An artist who can console others with his art

17. Do you have a place/person/thing that you visit for inspiration? HAWAII, that inspires me with so many colors

18. If you could have dinner with 3 artists living/dead who would be at your table? Guido Reni, Matisse and Frida Kahlo

19. How would someone find you on social media? Instagram @hyangmok

20. Please name the first thing that comes to your mind while reading the following:
Art= consolation
Food= craving
Sports= sweat
Politics= chess
Poor= the current me
God= compass
Rich= me in the next life
Luxury= loud exhaust sound
Sex= ice-cream
Picasso= truth
Religion= home

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