Interview by Jimon
1-Who is grAzie? A pop, street, fine artist.
2-Why so anonymous, in a world where everyone wants to be famous? I am not so anonymous. I merely shy away from the camera.
3-Where were you born and where do you reside currently? I was born in New Zealand and live permanently in London, England.
4-How did you choose the name grAzie? Ha Ha! It has many connotations. A blend of my surname, it’s reference to graffiti and zine culture, and a few other layers I can’t tell you about!
5-How long have you been making art and how did it all start? Since I was a kid.
6-Where did you study art? Canterbury University, NZ.
7-What is the message you are trying to send through your paintings? My artworks are mainly faceless icons. I like to reference popular culture or imagery. Color is as important as subject matter reinventing iconic imagery in a modern abstract way.
8-Do you consider yourself a street artist, studio artist or….? I am a fine artist who references street art culture.
9-What is your proudest moment as an artist? Exhibiting my work by covering an entire London building.
10- Is there any reality behind the characters in your paintings? No that’s the point really they are as faceless and flat as the magazines they are in.
11-What advice do you have for putative collectors? Invest in living artists!
12-How would you like to be seen as an artist years from now? I’d like to be seen as a household brand!
13-What or who has had the most influence on your work? Probably the pop movement and David Lachappelle for his amazing color ways.
14-Tell us something about the art world that you want to see changed? More female artists in galleries.
15-If you could have dinner with three artist living/dead who would be at your table? Keith Haring, Banksy, Basquiat.
16-Do you have a place/person/thing that you visit for inspiration? I’m most inspired by listening to music and painting in color.
17-How would someone find you on social media? Instagram @g.r.a.z.i.e