Interview by Jimon
1-Where did you grow up, and where do you live currently?I was born in Italy and currently live near Turin.
2-How would you describe Emanuele Tozzoli?Painter and musician. Very curious and certainly a bit crazy. Interested in the most hidden parts of human nature. Deep lover of art and every form of creative expression.
3-Did you have any official training for art?I didn’t attend art schools as I have studied to become a sound engineer, but I worked for about ten years as a decorator and restorer of wall paintings with the master in Turin named Silvio Scarafiotti.
4-How long have you been making art and what lead you to start?I started to paint and create small sculptures by assembling objects very early together with my father Dario Tozzoli, an artist who has been painting and creating sculptures with every type of material for over 40 years.
5-Is there any reality behind your paintings or are they purely fantasy?My paintings are the fruit of my unconscious and irrational part. Through my work method, instinctive and visceral, a deep connection is created between me and the painting. I often realize what I have done only when the painting is finished.
6-Have you ever come across a piece of art that you could not or did not want to stop looking at?Yes, many times, especially in front of the works of the great masters of the past.
7-How did you acquire your style?My style is the result of a long research in every field of life. I studied and composed electronic music for many years as well as devoting myself to painting. This has had a huge influence on me, in my way of feeling and perceiving art.
8-What influences you as an artist?I think that, like any person or artist on this earth, every lived experience influences one's own art. Every experience, good or bad, goes deep down to feed the most remote parts of our mind.
9-What kinds of art hang on the walls of your home?In my house I love hanging my paintings, those of my father, those of my girlfriend and those of my friends. In any case, the paintings of the people I'm most attached to.
10-How do you describe success as an artist?For me, success in every field of life is to find your balance, find your own serenity and enjoy every single moment as if it were the last.
11-Do you have a place/person/thing that you visit for inspiration?Many things inspire me, but above all to be immersed in nature. Feeling the wild and pure energy of nature that vibrates and cleanses you, charging you to a subtle level.
12-Name three things you can’t live without in your studio?Colors, music, light.
13-If you could have dinner with 3 artists living/dead who would be at your table?Picasso, Basquiat, Miro
14-How would someone find you on Social media?On Instagram @emanueletozzoli