Edwin Bolta

Interview by Jimon

1-Where do you live and create at the moment?  I was born and raised in New York and I've been working and living in Brooklyn for the past 15 years.

2-Describe Edwin Bolta in one word?  Persistent

3-Did you study art or is it inherent?  I went to college for Gallery and Museum Studies and later for Graphic Design. I also took a bunch of fine art classes but my art is inherent.  I learned more about art by myself than I ever learned in school.

4-What is the inspiration behind your paintings?  Mental Health, Childhood Trauma, Science Fiction, Chosen Family, Folk Art, Retro Futurism, Love, World Building, The final push for a Utopian Society.

5-Is there any reality behind the characters in your paintings?  My thoughts and life lessons.

6- What advice would you give putative collectors?  Know your artist.

7-How do you describe success as an artist?  Being able to create and share work till I die.

8- If you could live in a museum anywhere in the world, which would it be?  Nowhere, they are filled with old ideas.

9-Do you have a routine when you arrive in your studio?  Morning coffee and blueberry scone or croissant, Feed and walk my dog ( son ) Marty,  check emails and draw new ideas in my Moleskine, working on perfecting placement and color schemes for future painting in illustrator and Photoshop and working on animated works. Towards the end of the day I'm heads down executing paintings and sculptures. I prefer to work alone during my practice so everything is done by me from the press release, painting, animating, updating my site etc.

10-Do you listen to music or prefer to work in silence?  I love listening to all kinds of music while I work, ranging from Jazz to House Music, Hip Hop, Pop Music, Latin music etc. It really depends on the mood I'm in or want to be in : )

11- How do you decide when a painting is complete?  I usually create several smaller studies of my large works before executing on the final canvas so I have clear understanding what "done" looks like early in the process.

12-Do you work on one canvas at a time or multiple?  Multiple

13-Do you have a place/person/thing that you visit for inspiration?  The back of my head when I'm laying down right before I fall asleep, I have a sketchbook by my bed and long walks in Brooklyn.

14-If you could have dinner with three artists living/dead who would be at your table?  David Lynch, Philip Guston and Alexander Girard.

15-Name three things you can’t live without in your studio?  Paint Brushes, Paints and Canvas.

16-If you were asking the questions what question would you ask and please answer the question.

Question: Why should we be interested in you as an artist?  Answer: Because I am interested in my work and I am my biggest critic

17-How would someone find you on Social media? IG: @adobo_softech

18-Please name the first thing that comes to your mind while reading the following:

Art = The deepest form of Communication

Food = Love

Sports = Waste of time

Politics = Adult Fiction

Poor = Beginning

God = an Idea people abuse

Rich = Rotten

Luxury = Freedom

Sex = Dance

Picasso = Picasso

Religion = Cult

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