Edward Goss

Interview by Jimon

1-Where do you currently live? Toronto, Ontario

2-How would you describe Edward Goss? I'm smart enough to not go down that rabbit hole about myself however, it sure is a lot of fun to hear how others describe me, so I will leave that up for speculation.

3-Did you attend art school or is it inherent? Purely self taught.

4-How long have you been making art and what lead you to start? I have been making art for 18 years. I was living in a small town in northern New Mexico when I needed something to pass the time and boredom in my life. I happened to come across a shed full of house paint and old stacks of wood. From that point on, art has been all my life revolves around.

5-How did you acquire your style? I think we are all born with our own definitive style. It may need a little tweaking, along the way, until we become comfortable with who we are.

6-Have you ever come across a piece of art that you could not or did not want to stop looking at? I can't say I have ever had that experience with a piece of art. I know I have come across works that really bring me into it but, I don't linger too long with anyone else's art.

7-Tell us something about the art world that you would want changed? I don't have anything negative to say about the art world. It has given me more in my life that I ever dreamed possible.

8-Why make art ? It is the most sane thing I have ever done.

9-The future is? Irrelevant

10-What is your thought on the following, Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable? Sounds like a big pile of rubbish.

11-Are you trying to send a message through your art or is it purely for inspiration? I'm definitely not trying to send a message of any kind. It is not for inspiration either. It is for my own mental well being for which I make my art.

12-What advice would you give putative collectors? Stop hanging your paintings so high.

13-Whats the best advice you have ever received in regards to your art? Give up any kind of social life you have, stay in your studio, and make art.

14-How do you define success? Waking up every morning and not being told what you have to do by anyone.

15-Do you have a place person thing that you visit for inspiration? Absolutely not. But if I did, I don't think I would ever give up those secrets .

16-If you could have dinner with three artists living or dead who would be at your table? Miles Davis
Ian Ingram
John Frusciante

17-Name three things you can't live without in your studio? Crayons

18-How would someone find you on social media? Instagram @edwardgoss_

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