Annemarie Faupel

Interview by Jimon

1-Where do you currently reside and work?  Currently I reside and work in Munich, Germany.

2-How long have you been making art and what lead you to start?  I have been making art since I was a child. However the feedback I have received on my drawings and paintings over the years has always been positive and this has encouraged me to make it my profession.

3-Did you study art or is it inherent?  I am still studying at the Art Academy of Munich. I am a painter. But I have to say that the Art Academy does not really teach us technical skills in painting. We have to achieve or learn them by ourselves. With my professor Karin Kneffel we mainly speak and discuss the content or concept of our work.

4-How would you describe Annemarie Faupel?  I am introverted and sensitive but from time to time I punch people in the face (But only when they do not behave ;))

5-What does Annemarie dream about?  I dream about becoming famous.

6-It seems you paint based on reality do you use live models?  No, but I use photographs which I use as reference.

7-Do you remember the first piece of art that captured your imagination?  When I was a child I painted many pretty women looking like princesses.

8-What kind of art hangs on the walls of your home?  None, I like it pure.

9-What’s the best advice you’ve gotten about being an artist?  To create your own style in painting you need to dig very deep into something and to deal with it very continuously then it becomes unique inevitably.

10-What influences you as an artist?  I am influenced by the things around me. I watch, feel, hear and listen. If something around me triggers a point in my inner self than I want to catch and put in on canvas. Sometimes thoughts or ideas come up in my inner sphere and then I try to find a metaphor, picture, object or situation which reflects the initial inner appeal.

11-How do you define success?  As an Artist success for me would mean that I am constantly or at least mostly in contact with my creativity and inspiration so that I can work continuously on my paintings until I reach my very unique, pure and individual style of painting which has never been there before.  The second step which belongs to my definition of success is being seen and appreciated  by an wider audience who recognizes and enjoys my work.

12-If you could have dinner with 3 artists living/dead who would be at your table?  Jeff Koons. He could tell me a lot about the mechanisms of the art market and how to deal with it.  Michael Borremans. For me he is a modern virtuoso in painting and I would like to know a lot about his technique.  Pablo Picasso. He was highly productive and innovative during his life time and I would like to get to know his character. I guess he was a charismatic, funny and self-confident character.

13-Three things you can't live without in your studio?  There is nothing I can’t live without. When I am really in a deep creative process I am forgetting my surrounding and I dive into the painting. Then I do not have a strong connection to the outside anymore and I rather forget it. But what makes the atmosphere in my studio more comfortable is when there are some of my fellow students concentrating on their subject. I like to be surrounded by a concentrated and focused company when I am working myself. And I like good coffee, enough water and food in my studio.

14-Do you have a place/person/thing that you visit for inspiration?  My inspiration I gather out of myself. Of course, sometimes inspiration is blocked. If this is the case, an exhausting sport lessons helps me the best way to free my mind so that inspiration can come back more easy. And I do regularly need feedback from people during my work. The individual I do mostly consult because I need their opinion about my latest work are my mother, my best friend and my professor at the Art Academy.

15-How would someone find you on social media?


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