Alex Soria

Interview by Jimon

1-Where do you reside and work currently?  Mexico City.

2-How long have you been making art and what lead you to start?   Earliest memory I have is drawing my own characters and comics at about age Six. I just liked drawing funny characters and writing stories.

3-Did you study art or is it inherent?  I have a Bachelor of Arts and Animation.

4-Your work is very simple in nature what is the origin of that?  Couple of reasons: The medium I use for most works is very small (my phone) and I like simplicity.

5-What is your least favorite part of the process in what you do?  The app I use to draw is very buggy and sometimes I lose complete works or it just crashes randomly. Last year I had an older phone and it had a spot on the top/left corner (about 1/6 the size of the screen) that just could not be drawn over because of a screen issue. It was very frustrating but after a bit I just used the limitation as inspiration and it brought me to some shapes I might have not arrived to.

6-Which artist working today you admire?  I’m really enjoying what @cupagu, @malditoperrito, @chavanart7 and @alan_droide are doing.

7-Have you read any good books lately?  Conjunto Vacío by Veronica Gerber and a really thorough biography on Isaac Newton by Richard S. Westfall.

8-Do you follow a routine on a daily basis?  Not really.

9-If you had a working time machine which time period would you choose?  I’d like to visit London in the 60s just to go to a few parties and then come right back home.

10-Do you think you would have been an artist in a pre-computer age?  Yes.

11-Do you consider yourself a pop artist?  Yes.

12-Have you ever thought of making postcards and putting them in museums innocuously for sale without them knowing?  I’ve never considered it but now I’m very tempted.

13-Do you remember the first piece of art that captured your imagination?  Funny you ask, I was just discussing this in therapy recently. One of the first images that I remember vividly are Loreal (makeup) TV ads from the early 90s. Also the works of Klasky Csupo and short cartoons.

14-Is there any reality behind the characters in your paintings or are they purely fantasy?  They are mostly autobiographical. I treat my works somewhat like a diary. Instead of writing I draw. One thing I love about art is how intimate and public it is at the same time: as an artist you usually hold the puzzle to the original meaning but the audience then creates their own.

15-What do you dream about?  Recently I learned that my late grandfather hit the lottery Jackpot in Mexico in the 80s (he blew all the money in a few years) so I’ve been day-dreaming winning the lottery. I just bought a scratch off and won $20 so who knows what the future holds.

16-How do you define success?  Being honest to one-self.

17-What advice would you give putative collectors?  To follow their gut when acquiring artworks.

18-Do you have a place/person/thing that you visit for inspiration?  I lived in Monterrey, Mexico from 2008-2014 and it changed my life. I don’t visit often but when I do I get inspired. My lovely friends the fantastic mountains. I’m booking a flight there for next week as I type this!

19-If you could have dinner with 3 artists living/dead who would be at your table? Scott Walker, David Bowie and my friend @brvj0.

20-Name three things you can’t live without in your studio?  Phone, light and water.

21-How would someone find you on Social media?  @alexsoria on Instagram

22-If you were me what question would you ask and answer?  Are you selling and/or open to commissions? Yes!


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